Seth & Kaz brooks

Seth and Kaz are the founding and current pastors of C3 Church NE Portland. Seth was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia and moved to San Diego, California, in 2008. Seth served as a youth pastor, associate pastor and Bible college principal for over twenty years in Perth and San Diego, before moving to Portland, Oregon in 2013. Seth loves road trips, travelling, cafes and good coffee!

E: @seth_brooks99

Kaz was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia and has been involved in chaplaincy, pastoral care and kids ministry roles for the past twenty years. Kaz has a degree in Teaching and a Masters in Human Services. Kaz loves sunshine, road trips and spending time with friends. Seth and Kaz have two children and two cats. 

E: @kaz_brooks


Thomas was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and has been involved in leadership in a number of churches in the Portland area over the past 30 years. Thomas has two adult children, four grandchildren and one great grandchild.  Thomas serves in the area of Hospitality and is part of the Welcome team on Sundays. Thomas is also a part of the Lead Team at C3 Church. He has a heart to bless people and a passion to build and serve the house of God. To get involved in the Welcome team or Hospitality team please contact Thomas via email:

Tiger Trimble

Tiger serves in the area of Sunday service sound and AV, is a member of the C3 Lead Team and is part of the C3 Church Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on Sundays in the area of worship, sound and AV, please email Tiger at

Katie Rietman

Katie leads the C3 Young Adult ministry, leads a Community Group, is on the C3 Lead Team and is part of the C3 Church Board of Directors.  Katie been a part of the leadership team at C3 Church for the past 18 months. If you are interested in serving in our C3 Young Adult ministry, please email Katie at

JOanne Cavill

Joanne serves in the area of kids and youth and is the C3 Kids Director at C3 Church. Joanne is also a part of the C3 Lead Team. If you are interested in serving with kids and youth, please email Joanne at

Barbara Harris

Barbara Harris serves in the area of worship and creative ministries, and is the C3 Worship Director. If you are interested in serving in the area of worship including playing an instrument, vocals, sound, lighting and AV, please email Barbara at